Thursday, October 30, 2008

Baby Merrick

We got to watch Merrick yesterday. Josie had fun with him and was nice to him. She fed him the bottle and told him no, no baby when he tried grabbing her with his hands. She brought him all his toys and watched Blue's Clue's with him. He began cooing during the show and she told him "shhh baby". When Dakota came home and was holding him Josie threw a fit and tried pulling his legs saying "my baby". She wanted him back on the floor where she could see him and rub his head. I can't believe what a good baby he is. Of course Cy tried to eat him up, being the baby lover he is.


{Frances} said...

haha next to josie he looks so little! thanks again for watchin him :)

Chea said...

so cute i want a boy too

Sheri said...

That baby looks like an Arnett through and through.

wendy said...

He looks like a toy baby. I'm pretty sure that is how Josie treated him too:)