Monday, July 30, 2007

What does a midget use as a trampoline?

Her bed of course. Sunday morning I wake up to laughing and screaming instead of crying and screaming. I peek open my eyes, because I don't want Jo to know I'm awake. I see her jumping across her crib like the easter bunny. She is having the most delightful time. She thinks its her own trampoline. Now I have never seen a child use her crib as a tramp. That is usually saved for the bed. I guess when your as big as a peanut you use what you can. So there she was jumping back and forth in her crib and occasionally hanging on the sides and jumping. She is a crack up.

Today Chan and I were eating Panda Express and Chan bent down to the plate and ate some chow mein. She bit off the excess and it fell back down. Josie watching her like a hawk, proceeded to eat a mouth full of noodles also and then spit them back out. Then looked up and smiled like she was so proud of coping Chan. She is a funny little squat.

Monday, July 23, 2007

After much anticipation...comes the let down

I have just returned home from the annual " Gramping" trip. For those who are not in the know this is camping up in the white mountains. Cy and Dakota started school today and I have 5 or so loads of laundry, dishes, and a house full of crap to sort thru. I remembered my blog and how important it is that I get to that first.

First last Saturday our AC went out. Not to worry we have a swamp cooler ( it must be older than the hills because it's cooler outside than in). Well needless to say we stayed at Chan's until dark and then came home. Sunday was just like being back in the blue house. Not getting dressed until it was time to go to church. After returning home and changing into what Fletcher called a moo moo? I decided to pack up and me and the kids would head to Wendy's in Flagstaff. As I was leaving Fletcher let me know that I was officially white trash. He said and I quote" You've got a swamp cooler and a moo moo." Did he forget that he wanted to marry me.

Then we came back Wednesday to get our camping stuff together. We were minus Josie as Fletcher wanted to take her back to the MotherLand when he went to get the trailer. We would meet up on Thursday at Hawley Lake.
We met up and the usual camping ensued. Wendy, Chan and Chea rented a caabin. Upon arriving at the cabins I tried to persuade Fletcher to stay the night in them. Wendy had an extra room (Fletcher values his privacy greatly, or he has healthy boundries I'm not sure which.) we could stay in it. Fletcher said he didn't pull a trailer 300 miles for nothing. Translation- We could stay in the cabin but he would be sleeping in the trailer. We all slept in the trailer.

Wendy gave us a window AC unit and brought it up to camping. As Fletcher and Josie would not be joining us at home until Tuesday or Wed., I was in charge of installing this. (I am at home now in Valley Farms)
Now I am really white trash. I have a window unit in my front window and it is being held up by an old metal filing cabinet and extra square metal tubing. I can be quite ingenius when the time calls for it. At least our house is cool.

Now, I take the kids to school. Cy wants to ride the bus, but I take him and Dakota anyways. Cy heads to the playground and wants me to find out what room he is in and come and tell him. No I say you come and find out then you can go play. Dakota meanwhile is holding back tears and holding on to me.
Cy finds his room number and shouts "Bye mom" as he is running to the playground. Dakota and I find her teacher and room number. I walk with her to the classroom and wait for the teacher and the other students. Tears begin to fall, and I have a knot in my stomach. She knows some of the kids but she is still nervous. I tell her teacher she'll be okay she is just tender hearted and needs alittle extra. Her teacher laughs and tells me as long as Mom and Dakota arn't crying she'll be okay. I tell her I quit crying with Dakota last year. And quickly left before she saw my tears. Does it ever get any better? Hopefully by her senior year she can go by herself and I can just follow her without her knowing it.

Now that this is done I think I'll go make a quilt or something equally important. My laundry and house can wait.

Friday, July 13, 2007

...But first a disclaimer

The following stories are NOT fictional and depict real people. In fact you may find yourself in one of these stories. If so do not be alarmed, no animals were intentionally harmed and I will not be paying royalties for use of your name or your misfortunes.

Thursday, July 12, 2007