Sunday, May 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Wendy

Happy Birthday Wendy
Even though Wendy lives in Flagstaff, we still talk everyday at least 2 times. Sometimes we have stories and sometimes we just call to see if the other on has stories. Wendy usually calls early in the morning and leaves a nasty message about how I better not be taking a nap or laying on the couch and just not answering the phone.(This is one of my Arnett traits that shines thru) I really miss her living close by, mostly because she makes all my(her) ideas happen.
Happy Birthday!!! Your birthday check is in the mail, I hope it doesn't get lost. I forgot to send it certified mail:)


wendy said...

thanks, go ahead and take a nap tomorrow. I won't bother you.

Dana said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope it was a good day.

Chea said...

i think i will have to do a belated birthday post. with more pictures than you