Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Don't crap in your own backyard

I was out filling up Josie's pool with water and when I was done I looked behind the pool and saw dog crap. I say how did a dang dog get in the yard, its all fenced. Some stupid dog got in and took a crap in my yard, Josie overhears this and tells me that it wasn't a dog it was her. What you pooped out here. Yeah she says, I was jumping on the trampoline and had to go so I just went out here. What!!!! I guess if boys can pee outside she figured why cant I go outside to. She is so precious


Christy said...

I have a little girl who pooped in our little fort, Nate was shocked and as he shoveled it up to toss over the fence in the dog poop pile, it stuck to the side of the swamp cooler and he spent the next 30 minutes scrubbing it off, he was so mad and grossed out, girlz, they can be sooo like boyz at times, funny little things.

Sheri said...

She is just being environmentally conscious by not using more water to flush a toliet and toliet paper. Your girl is "green". ;)

charmaine said...

Well her answer seemed logical, to a little one!