Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Cy and Josie

On Monday we celebrated Cy and Josie's birthday. Well actually it was a sorry excuse for a party. But I havn't had to host a party for Cy for a couple years as Super Dad does that. He fell thru this year. We had cake and candles and a new DS game for Cy which he is very pleased with. Jo got whatever she wants. Kindof like everyday only different cuz it was her birthday. Cy is one of a kind. I love his thirst for knowledge he just wants to know how everything works and proceeds to tell you about it, and make up what he doesn't remember or understand. Josie what do I say, she is naughty and when I say that I don't just mean terrible two's. She is seriously naughty. She will spit at you when she doesn't want to listen to you, tell you go, scream loudly, try to scratch you BUT as I am told she is SO CUTE. She also has a sweet side, she will give you hugs and kisses when you come home and is so excited to see you. She loves her babies.
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my two favorite January babies.


Chea said...

happy bday.

Arnett's said...

Happy Birthday to Cy and Josie! I ment to tell them today, but I was a little uh confused. Did we have people over today? I dont really remember what happened, but thell them I say happy birthday!

Sheri said...

Years ago your mom brought Cy to church with her and he was in my primary class. Holy cow, I cannot tell you how impressed I was by his knowledge of the gospel (i think he was 5 at the time). He made my day :)